Neurofeedback is direct training of brain function, which helps the brain to function more efficiently. Neurofeedback is also known as EEG Biofeedback because it is based on the reading of the electrical brain activity, the electroencephalogram (EEG). The neurofeedback equipment reads the brain activity through sensors placed on the scalp and provides the brain with feedback in the form of auditory, visual, and tactile feedback. The brain uses this feedback to self-regulate and is rewarded when it meets its goals. Much like learning to balance when riding a bike, the brain does the work while we reap the rewards of that work. Neurofeedback addresses problems of brain dysregulation. At Find Your Focus Counseling, some of the dysregulation treated includes anxiety, depression, trauma response, attention deficits, and behavior concerns. Neurofeedback can also be used to optimize cognitive functioning. For more information, check out the video below.
More explanation.
Check out the video below for a quick explanation. This video was created by Mike Cohen of the Center for Brain Training in Florida. It does a great job of describing what neurofeedback is, how it's different from other brain-related options, and how brain training can help people gain better control of attention, emotions, behavior, and performance. A tremendous amount of research supports the benefits of neurofeedback for autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, migraines, seizures, brain injury, addiction, RAD, and more.
Video used with permission from Center for Brain Training, Jupiter, FL